
Prudence Buchanan

Prudence Buchanan

Book a FREE Consultation

This free thirty minute call is designed as a “getting to know each other”. We will discuss your concerns, goals for wellness and level of readiness for action. We will also discuss who I am and what it means to work with me.

I am one of thousands of international trained medical doctors(IMGs) residing in Canada having migrated here from the Caribbean in 2014. Every year nearly two thousand of us apply for the less than five hundred positions allotted for IMGs to pursue a Residency program. This is necessary to procure a license to practice medicine according to the regulations of the Medical Council of Canada. Four out of five applicants are unsuccessful even after years of attempts. I was one of these.

Undaunted, I decided to put my knowledge, skills, and passion for guiding others to good health to serve people on a global scale. First, I had to start with myself. In the years of my pursuits to gain entry to the health care system in Canada, I neglected my own health. The financial, physical, and emotional stressors took their toll. I gained weight and had to take prescription medication for hypertension. Although I had a family history for chronic diseases, I was resolute that this would not be my fate and yet here I was.

In 2018 I started to make changes to my diet and began walking as a means of exercise. I also addressed my spiritual and mental wellbeing by drawing closer to God with Bible reading, prayer and engaging in positive affirmations for myself and others. I lost over thirty pounds and cut my dose of prescription drug by half. I intend to eliminate its use eventually.

Having experienced the power of nutrition and lifestyle in achieving and maintaining good health (this is not emphasized in the traditional allopathic western medical schools) I pursued certified training in holistic nutrition. This has helped me to design personalized health and wellness plans looking at the whole person, body, mind and spirit. I am also a Registered Nutrition Counsellor with the Canadian Examination Board of Health Care Practitioners. I am still licensed to practice medicine in Jamaica, the land of my birth, education, and clinical experiences as a physician.

Uniquely You Health and Wellness Consulting is the name I chose in recognition of the unique design of each individual and how lifestyle practices and interactions with the environment can bring good health or “dis..ease”. Regardless of where you are on the spectrum, I would like to help you to reach your best possible state of health and wellness.