Your Health & Wellness Consultant

“ Find wellness and keep it ”

My name is Prudence Buchanan, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and health professional. I believe in the power of the individual to be healthy. Our unique blueprint was designed to give us the ability to thrive with the right conditions. Chronic diseases are not natural occurrences from our DNA and with a solid wellness plan we can partner together to help you achieve wellbeing and stay on track.

Prudence Buchanan
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Wellness... Just For You!

Your Health & Wellness Consultant

“ Find wellness and keep it ”

My name is Prudence Buchanan, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and health professional. I believe in the power of the individual to be healthy. Our unique blueprint was designed to give us the ability to thrive with the right conditions. Chronic diseases are not natural occurrences from our DNA and with a solid wellness plan we can partner together to help you achieve wellbeing and stay on track.

Prudence Buchanan
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Wellness... Just For You!

Wellness and You

Time To Take Action

The understanding of the human genome has brought enlightenment to the dynamic interaction between an individual’s genetic make up and their diet, lifestyle and environment.

Made Just For You

Services I Offer

Free Health Consultation

30 Minute Challenge

Do you want to have more control over your health? Take the steps toward the best you and reach out to me today. Let's discuss any concerns you have, wellness goals you have in mind and your level of readiness. Use the form below to get started!

What People Say

In 2017, I was diagnosed with PCOS, a prolactin secreting pituitary tumor, and hormone imbalance. I tried for years to get pregnant without success. Visits to numerous doctors, expensive prescription drugs did not stop the weight gain, hair loss and acne. After every doctor’s appointment I left disappointed with no answers to my health issues. I became confused and anxious. Hi my name is Feona and this my story.

In September 2021, I decided to find a different solution to fix my health. This led me to Dr. Prudence Buchanan a holistic nutritionist of Uniquely You Health and Wellness Consulting. Initially, my plan was to try nutrition instead of prescription drugs to correct my health issues. I wanted to fix my hormone imbalance, lose weight, reverse my PCOS diagnosis, and to hopefully get pregnant. Little did I know that Dr. Buchanan would use a holistic approach to address my mind, body and spirit , everything that makes me the unique individual that I am. Joining the health reset program, was my best decision, as it changed my life for good.

How my life changed

I started my journey at 247 pounds and lost 32 pounds within three months. I had a complete reset in my mental, emotional, psychological and physical health starting with me fixing my gut, the root cause of many health issues. Dr. Buchanan taught me to see what I put into my body, not just as food but also as my medicine. I learnt a lot about my health and body, and I started to adopt more healthy lifestyle practices. My new lifestyle changed my perspectives and brought out a better me. Dr. Buchanan went above and beyond to find answers to each and every health concern and she explained them creatively and comprehensively. At the end of each session, I always felt optimistic.

One of my main goal was to conceive a second child, something which I thought was near impossible after trying for five years. I lost hope and gave up not knowing that after my health reset, the light was waiting for me at the end on the tunnel.

In February of 2022, when I missed my period, I did not think much of it as this was not unusual considering my hormone imbalance. However, in mid February I discovered that I was 7 weeks pregnant! I was so shocked, that two home pregnancy tests could not convince me, so I visited my doctor the next day to confirm it.

No more hormone imbalance

This pregnancy has brought so much joy and happiness to me and my partner. All credit goes to Dr. Buchanan and God who gave her the ability to do what she does. My life has changed and yours can too. Thank you Dr. Buchanan

Feona T., Toronto Canada

Hormone Imbalance

Hormone Imbalance

My Wellness Check report was given via an easy consultation from the comforts of my own home. Dr. Buchanan sat with me via Zoom and presented my results with a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for which I had an electronic copy. She then followed up with a printed copy in an attractive binder by mail. I learnt about why I felt and functioned the way I did. I received a nutrition guide and protocols which were of immense benefit. It has been more than six months and I can definitely say that I fell great!

Ornella L., Brooklyn New York

Easy Consultation

Easy Consultation

The knowledge I gained with the Health Reset program, helped me to make better food choices. My six-week journey with Dr. Buchanan at Uniquely you Health and Wellness Consulting was a rather productive and inspiring one. I was able to make great strides in reversing some terrible eating habits.

I particularly liked the journaling that I was required to do on the secure App right on my phone, because it increased accountability and allowed me to reflect. Even when I did not feel up to it, I knew someone (Dr. Buchanan) was watching, and I didn’t want my logs to reflect zero effort. It also forced me to make better food choices.

I lost 11 lbs. in four weeks, and look forward to further progress as I continue to use the information to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Amber W. – Anguilla

Better Food Choices

Better Food Choices

Hormone Imbalance Easy Consultation Better Food Choices
Focusing on your

Health & Wellness

Do you want to have more control over your health?
Do you have questions about diet and weight loss?
Do you suffer from a chronic disease?